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Jewels by Park Lane Internet Popularity Rank

Jewels by Park Lane Review

Jewels by Park Lane Contact Information:

Jewels by Park Lane
Park Lane Corporate Headquarters
100 E. Commerce Dr. Schaumburg ,Illinois 60173

Product Category: jewelry

Jewels by Park Lane Review:

Jewels by Park Lane is a well known producer of hand-crafted jewelry sold at home parties, person-to-person, fundraisers and online catalogues. Having been around since 1955 and based out of Schaumburg, Illinois, the company is operated as a private enterprise with over fifteen thousand independent sales representatives. Jewels by Park Lane was originally founded in Chicago by Shirley and Arthur LeVin, and is reputed to be the highest volume producing direct jewelry sales/party planning company in the world.

Their operational core is made up of a team of field executives; Kathy Cassidy, Andrea Dowding, Claudia Garcia Weitzer, Lori Mitchell, Henry Meeks, Nancy Summers, Susan K. Moss, and Shannon Pell.

Jewels by Park Lane has been a part of an internationally expanding jewelry marketing industry that has consistently increased by 5% annually. By 2011, the jewelry industry itself is predicted to increase by $185 Billion dollars in revenue, which is a very significant increase from the $146 Billion generated in 2006. provides a brief history on the company, in addition to descriptions of their products via online catalogues. The web site lists the company's sales representative opportunities available, as well as a link to a YouTube video that showcases this year's products.

The business opportunities available for sellers consist of hosting house parties and product shows, in addition to Internet sales. The Jewels by Park Lane standard kit costs $199, though the company represents it as being worth over $1000. According to their web site, the best way to obtain one of these kits is to hold an "intro" show, held by your sponsor, who is also the presenter. Interestingly, you are essentially paying for a product, organizing an audience, hosting a party, and then selling it for them from your home. The web site states that the starter kit will usually pay for itself. Overall, the sales model seems to favor as much face to face and in person marketing as possible.

New consultants will be collecting a weekly commission check and won't be required to hold an inventory. They may also take advantage of a car bonus program which relieves them of having to pack and deliver products and collect on customer accounts. Like most similar companies, sales consultants are urged to recruit others to work for them, which will provide even more earning power and the opportunity to move up within the company. There are a significant amount of exact details that don't seem to be present on their web site, and are only available once a viewer inputs their personal information.

Although the company is like any other MLM company currently growing today, Jewels by Park Lane consultants aren't expected operate a "down line" recruiting model; However, associates won't be able to get the most from their earnings without one. Jewels by Park Lane seems like a legitimate investment, especially considering the low start up price for a product line consisting of jewelry. Like any other legitimate MLM model, it is likely an effort-based success ratio.

Jewels by Park Lane Internet Popularity

Percentile Rank: #287

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Jewels by Park Lane Ranking Details
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Jewels by Park Lane Internet Popularity Percentage:

This percentage is based on the total number of interest 'hits' for all MLM companies and Home Based Business Opportunites in our most current monthly profile.

Percentage Change (Gain or Loss): -0.13%

Percentage Change compared to the last sampling period. View Top 50 Gainers.

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Percentile: 66.55
Jewels by Park Lane Ranks Higher than 568 of 855 Companies in Our Profile Database

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Jewels by Park Lane Company Review