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Numis Network Review

Numis Network Contact Information:

Numis Network
615 Channelside Drive
Suite 201 Tampa ,Florida 33602

Product Category: Coins

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Numis Network Review:

The Numis Network is essentially based on the concept of giving Americans that collect coins, the leverage of multi-level marketing, in hopes of spreading both "Numismatic" coins, in addition to a marketing model with which to distribute them. These coins are collectible silver and gold pieces designed for collectors and coin enthusiasts. "Numismatics" is a Greek word pertaining to the study of coins, tokens, paper money, and similar objects used as currency.

The company was founded by Ian Cordell, Christopher Kent, and Jake Kevorkian, along with Mike Mezack, an expert coin collector and infomercialist who often assists with the company's marketing, advertising and presentations. Numis Network presents their products with the intention of becoming the largest retailer in the world of precious metal coins by creating a new industry category utilizing the power of the network. Numismatic coins, originally made available in 2009; are advertised as being the highest grade coins available that aren't produced by national and international government mints.

Numis Network has maintained a fairly neutral stance in regard to MLM acclaim, skepticism, and even accusations of being a pyramid scheme. One common claim is that the video interviews found on the Numis Network Web site, state that network building is simple and easy, and that all a prospective seller needs to do is send people to the replicated site issued with a membership. The problem with that is that there is already an over abundance of people in the company who use the replicated site; rendering a lack of buyers, which can be interpreted as intentional, or simply an unforeseen result that requires a change in marketing method.

Another common theme that surfaces on the Internet is that a number of people believe that the company doesn't actually have authentic gold minted coins, and that the only coins available on their site in regard to gold and silver is the American Silver Eagle (which is silver). There are many claims that Numis Network's coins have also flooded eBay, which understandably presents a source of frustration for new distributors overwhelmed by competition. Among those accusations and complaints, remains the possibility that a portion of unsuccessful marketing entrepreneurs may simply hold a grudge due to lackluster profits, or perhaps; outright failure, which would be expected in an unpredictable market.

The Numis Network offers a leveraged compensation plan for it's associates, which pays up front commissions in the form of "coded bonuses" with limitless range, as well as binary based, residual income. The plan is structurally binary, in that recruits are arranged into two “legs'", while bonuses are solely based upon the performance of the lesser leg. The plan also incorporates a direct recruitment bonus in which you receive a portion of any bonuses recruits extract from the binary system. Any individual highly skilled at recruiting can earn bonuses for their recruits in both legs of the down line network.

Overall, reviews of Numis Network have surfaced all over the Internet generating both positive and negative feedback. Most positive Numis Network Reviews suggest the company is a legitimate business opportunty, while most negative reviews suggest that it is a challenging marketing experience.

Numis Network Internet Popularity

Percentile Rank: #563

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