Viridian Energy

Founded in March 2009, Viridian is an alternative energy company dedicated to bringing greener energy to consumers at a more affordable price, and upholding the core values of environmental sustainability, empowerment, reliability, integrity, and customer focus. Viridian offers the Everyday Green power package, which consists of 20% renewable energy, as well as the Pure Green package, for 100% renewable energy, with rates that vary depending on the state. The company also invites individuals to enroll with Viridian as associates. A $399 package is available for those who are interested in being an associate in every state that Viridian operates in, as well as a $199 package to become an associate in a single state.


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Viridian Energy Internet Popularity Percentile Rank: #246

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Viridian Energy Internet Popularity Percentage: 71.35%

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Percentile Rank: 71.35 Viridian Energy Ranks Higher than 609 of 855 Companies in Our Profile Database


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