
Solavei, launched in September 2012, offers contract-free mobile service via a mobile virtual network operation (MVNO) utilizing T-Mobile’s nationwide 4G network. Consumers who sign up for Solavei’s unlimited voice, text and data plan for $49.00 per month can also earn income by introducing the service to others through the company’s social media platform and mobile application. Consumers who sign up for Solavei’s mobile service can either use their own compatible phone or purchase one from Solavei. The Solavei app (for Android phones) allows members to enroll friends and family, track their earnings, and connect with their personal network. Solavei’s members earn $20.00 per month on every three mobile service customers that they or someone in their network introduce to Solavei. Members can earn a higher monthly rate as their network grows.


Percentage Change (Gain or Loss): -0.10%

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Solavei Internet Popularity Percentile Rank: #320

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Solavei Internet Popularity Percentage: 62.69%

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Percentile Rank: 62.69 Solavei Ranks Higher than 535 of 855 Companies in Our Profile Database


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